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Refund Policy

If by day 30, you’ve done the work and decide this program honestly wasn’t worth the investment, email with your completed homework assignments and we will give you a prompt refund for the total amount of the program. 


We will NOT provide refunds after 31 days from the date of your enrollment. On the 31st day, all payments are non-refundable and you are responsible for full payment of the fees for the product, regardless of whether or not you complete the program.

This program works if YOU do the work.

Please note: If you opted for a payment plan and you do not request a refund within 31 days of enrollment, you are required by law to complete the remaining payments of your payment plan. We reserve the right to seek recovery of any money remaining unpaid via our Collection Agency.

All refunds are discretionary as determined by Juan Galán Politi. If you have any questions, contact us at

As mentioned above, all refunds are discretionary. If you just downloaded the Training Material (PDFs, audios, videos, additional workbooks, and/or etc.), and then promptly asked for a refund, we reserve the right to deny your refund request. Why? Because the point of the policy is to give people the chance to try the system, and if it doesn't work, they can get their money back. It wasn't designed to enable people to steal the Training materials.

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